Free Outdoor Movies in San Francisco this Summer for Kids

Catch family-friendly movies beneath the summer stars. Photo courtesy of city of San Pablo
Catch family-friendly movies beneath the summer stars. Photo courtesy of city of San Pablo
6/4/23 - By Sandra Lee

This post is currently being updated for 2024! 

Outdoor movies are a great way to spend a San Francisco summer evening. Kids will love seeing a big blockbuster on a big screen next to the ocean waves, in parks, and under the stars. Free outdoor movies are even better, especially when we need easy and entertaining events to fill summer nights. In this case, screen time is not only allowed but highly encouraged. 

Like hikes and summer concerts, outdoor movies are a summertime tradition, and luckily in the Bay Area, the weather is almost always on our side. Watching a movie in the cool open air is a perfect outing for families of all ages, where everyone can enjoy some time together in front of the big screen. We've rounded up the best family-friendly outdoor movie screenings in the Bay Area, so grab a blanket or lawn chair, pack some snacks, and get ready for a summer family date night. 

For more summer fun in San Francisco and the Bay Area, see our picks for the best summer festivals in San Francisco, free museum days for kids in San Francisco, and browse our Ultimate San Francisco Kids Summer Vacation Guide



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